
Bayonet Collectors Web Ring    This web-ring contains links to 25 (and growing) bayonet
                                           related sites including some of those listed below.

Markings on British and Commonwealth Bayonets    Excellent site of use to those who do not possess
                                                                     a copy of Skennerton or other detailed reference.

Bayonet Collectors Network       Site devoted to the collection of the German K98k bayonet.

Bayonet Photo Gallery               Picture gallery of world bayonets

Collectionnez les baïonnettes      Mostly in French with some English translation. Includes guide to
                                             some of the many markings found on French bayonets.

Bayonet Trader                        Bayonets for Sale

General Reference

Militaria Online                          Militaria collectors, dealers lists, online chat - a useful site.

Regiments.Org                          Large reference site devoted to the land forces of British
                                             Empire & Commonwealth